Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Government declares "War on Blogs"

Breaking News...

It all started two weeks ago. Our dear President was reading a post entitled "The Pretzel of American Politics", on a BLOG maintained by a group of Liberal politicians. Details are scarce, but apparently the President's brain choked on the concepts of "Balanced and Intelligent Spending", "Separation of Church and State" and some other Liberal view points. Fortunately for our great nation, the Secret Service promptly tackled the computer and took the BLOG down. They began interrogating the BLOG, seeking to uncover a possible assassination attempt. However, a week passed by and they were still unable to obtain a satisfactory response to the numerous comments they posted to the BLOG. Infuriated, the President has created a new wing under the Department for Homeland Security; The Center for Blog Control(CBC). The Center for Blog Control has been given unprecedented power and far reaching authoretay. Even the FBI has been directed to provide priority support to the CBC, forcing them to relegate their "War on Porn". Tapping into my deep political connections, I have managed to secure an interview with the head of this new organization. Please stay tuned for more details...

1 comment:

Jay Noel said...

I heard murmurs that the new head of the CBC will be Hector Gonzales...he trains Roosters in the art of "cock fighting."

He seems pretty qualified to me...any man that can duct tape razor blades to a rooster must be intelligent.